About that October jobs “boom” in Wisconsin

I’ve expressed skepticism regarding last week’s report from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development of 16,100 total jobs and 15,100 jobs being added in Wisconsin for October. And we got a follow-up note on that report on Wednesday that also makes me cock an eyebrow, this time in the form of the local jobs and unemployment rate report.

This new DWD report showed the alleged jobs gains in the state were heavily concentrated in only a few areas of the state. Also worth noting is that (for some reason) they can’t give specific seasonally-adjusted numbers for the growing Madison area, because Green County was added for that MSA in the last year….

So let’s see how these figures shake out in the next couple of months, as the seasonal adjustments level out. The large amount of mass layoffs and lower-than-projected revenues seem to belie the numbers that indicate job growth boomed in Wisconsin for October, and I’m very interested in seeing what happens as a large amount of data comes in over the next few weeks to see which direction wins out.

Via October jobs “boom” in Wisconsin not felt in many places @ Jake’s Economic TA Funhouse.

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