Aerial Spraying of Manure

Central Sands Dairy gets to –

  • Spray in winds up to 15mph (because odors and mists fall to the ground at 14mph)
  • Self-monitor and self-report (WI’s water problems clearly indicate how well that works)
  • Spray in an area which has groundwater contamination so high in nitrates, the irrigation wells are considered a “major source of nutrients” (Hail to Irony!)
  • Well test for only one year (then…eh…we’ll see)
  • Self-monitor with two-hour observation intervals (please, have you read the Rap Sheets?  Years of reports are missing from WPDES Permit files and they still re-issue a permit every five years…there is no incentive to drive 55 when the cops are never around)
  • Shoot shit out of an end gun but only during the day (because they did not like “preliminary findings” the Workgroup research provided)
  • Spray at night (when there are no UV rays to kill pathogens and it is highly unlikely you will be able to observe equipment in the dark )

– DNR Approval document submitted by GOP-connected Michael Best and Friedrich LLP on behalf on Central Sands can be seen at Restore Kewaunee. –

Via Polluters Get Green Light, Manure Dumping Expedited @ MAL Contends…

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