Former owners call for investigation after claiming horse neglect

The [Dane] county’s animal control specialist, alerted by neighbors and passers-by, has been investigating [Mary] Loeffelholz and her farm since as far back as 2008. They repeatedly warned her to improve the living conditions for her animals, which also have included donkeys, chickens, ducks and dogs. A 2008 order requiring her to provide quality food, plentiful water and regular veterinary care expired in May 2011.

By this week, conditions at the farm had deteriorated, according to some of those same neighbors and passers-by who again have been alerting county officials. Though the horses were in pastures set back from the road, open wounds, bony hindquarters and protruding ribs were visible on some.

Loeffelholz has repeatedly declined to comment.

Via Wisconsin State Journal.

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