Liberal response to Young, Gifted, and Black Coalition

….the point I wish to make when it comes to the Young, Gifted and Black Coalition in Madison which have made headlines along with unjustified attacks on the Madison Police Department.    If I were to offer advice to this group it would start out by first and foremost helping them discover what the real enemy happens to be before they pick a fight….

If the coalition wanted to make a sincere change in the lives of those who need help the most they would ante up by mentoring a young person struggling for higher math, reading, and science skills in one of our low-income neighborhood schools.    Pick among the many that cry out for help and in so doing make this a better city.  Allis, Falk, Hawthorne Middle School, and even East High are all schools that could be aided by mentors….

Via Open Letter To Young, Gifted and Black Coalition In Madison @ CAFFEINATED POLITICS.

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