Guns, Farms and Stealth: Armed Raids and Surveillance of Farms and Food Clubs

A persecution that’s oppressive and wasteful, both:

Here in Wisconsin in June of 2010, Amish raw dairy farmer Vernon Herschberger’s Grazin’ Acres Farm, which is also the site of a private food club, was raided by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and Sauk County Health Department, whose agents sealed the coolers containing jars of raw milk available for sale to club members and ordered him to shut down the club.

Herschberger, who had turned away agents once before until they could return with a warrant, cut the seals and reopened the coolers to members, who pay a fee (currently $25) to join. The farm does not have a state dairy license. Herschberger argues that it doesn’t need one because his products are only available to members who pay annual fees, not the general public.

Via Center for Media and Democracy.

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